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Hi, I'm penusbmic and this pack is apart of a series called "The DARK Series" that  Patrons can also download (Around 15 packs, packs vary). It's my current ongoing series that is influenced and inspired by my Patrons I'll be releasing 2 monthly packs (so you'll always get your worth in money) and as we grow I'll begin to release  rewards like monthly tutorials, comics, and other standalone packs.  

The Blood King (168x79) - Idle, run, charge up,  charge,  charge down,  finisher,  double slash , dodge charge attack, stab and spin attack,  jump + slam attack ,  hit, death/blood teleport, and blood heart slam attack. See below for a combo.

Plus a bonus little tileset!

Click Here to See the Entire Collection

The DARK Series Collection

Feel free to use for commercial projects and modify the characters if needed. Please use Penusbmic If you want to offer me credits. Please do not resell the assets individually. Thank you! Check out my page for some free pixel work and other cool characters!

Updated 11 days ago
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
GenreAction, Platformer
Tags2D, Fantasy, Pixel Art, Retro, Side Scroller


Get this asset pack and 66 more for $55.55 USD
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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3 USD. You will get access to the following files:

The DARK Series - The Blood 107 kB

Download demo

Bonus 13 kB


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this is really cool but i think it's missing some transitions between attacks and idle cause in attack animations character moves forward but there's no animation to get back to his idle position.

yes pls

(1 edit)

я бы хотел приобрести это, но так как живу в России оплату отклоняет, можно как то связаться и приобрести этот пак ?

hey buddy I use this asset on my game!

Credits are given in my page and in game on credits menu.

Thank you very much.

Awesome art! I became a Patreon just for this series!

Some feedback for this specific character:

  • A light/quick attack will be awesome and will make it easier to fit in more types of games.
  • Have a way to go from jump animation to jump slam attack.
  • Maybe add an slide animation (maybe with a awesome blood FX).

hey thanks so much!! Thanks for the feedback and thanks for becoming a Patreon 😃

I'll try to implement those! I do want to tackle an update on this pack soon! 

Another thing, maybe I'm doing something wrong but the animations doesn't seem to be linking between states. For example, when you do an attack there is no smooth animation back to idle. 

Hey i just bought this asset and it looks really dope and you really did a amazing job! i just love the character :D

one question tho so in the zip inside 'Bonus Tileset' folder theres a file called Tileset.aseprite and its buged or its like a random file, theres also a file named Bonus Tileset.png and that one looks fine. just curious what was the Tileset.aseprite for?

I love all your stuff! It's really awesome!

Hey thank you!!

I've been thinking about becoming a patron! Do you get all the Dark Series assets for free whichever level of patron you choose?

Hey again!! 😀 And tier 2 & 3 get all the current DARK series assets for free! 

There will eventually be some packs revoked, but currently since my Patreon is fairly new ALL the packs are free 😀 

Been releasing 2-3 packs a month!

Nice work! Can't wait to see what's next!

thank you! Excited to share some new plans 😀

Well...more money to pour into more fabulous work!

hahah thank you so much!! ❤️❤️